Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Online Learning 101

 A college student that takes a minimum of fifteen hours a semester may sometimes look for a convenient, fast, and easy way to knock out some classes. One online class can often count for a fifth of the fifteen-hour load, and still count towards a degree plan to graduate. These classes are often know to be much easier than an actual face-to-face course because it usually won't go as in depth like traditional courses do. The learner is given a few dates for when quiz's are due and when the final exam is, and never attend an actual lecture. One can learn the material at their own pace at their own convenience before any kind of exam, and not worry about wasting time driving to school or attending lectures.
As learners our main priorities are having flexible schedules, with teachers that explain a subject in a well-organized manner. Therefore when we can’t find what we are looking for or sometimes hear calculus is the worst class to take by the only professor that teaches it at a university. Then that’s when we look for another open door. Executive Officer Karen Boanno from the Australian School Library Association indicates that taking online classes can still challenge a learner if they have trouble with self-motivation. “Self-motivation and interdependence requires a reasonable level of competency in emotional intelligence” (Goleman 1998, p. 24). Boanno uses Golemans definition of emotional intelligence as one who has “self-awareness, motivation, self-regulation, empathy, and adeptness in relationships.” I agree that if a person decides to take an online class it may be difficult if the have problems being self-motivated, but a course like this is not like high school where you have a teacher babying you. Second why would some waste their money and time to take a class they are not even going to try on to at least pass. I see online-learning as another form of upper level of education, but not as high as an actual face-to-face course at a university. I say this because at a university you go to lecture and each professor’s style of teaching differs from each other. Along with how strict they are grade distribution. This then only adds to those challenges from above and in there also falls dedication to learn the material for the class. Most of the time online classes are structured the same and not very difficult.

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