Have you ever gone online to look up a topic for a research project and hope you find a needle in a hay stack and end up starting over because you have found out that the research you did was all bias? How about going online to use a MLA citation processor for an English assignment and you end up loosing credit, because the format was not up to date. Well these are some examples of how poor digital information tends to affect many of us today. Therefore what can we do to prevent overloading with poor information online?
In the past before the Internet and computers came along we relied heavily on libraries and their books, and would spend hours trying to gain any sort of knowledge on a subject. Today everything has to be fast and easy, one can easily type in a word relevant to a topic of interest and find thousands of pieces of information related to that one topic, but the question is how reliable is that piece of information? Don’t get me wrong the Internet is a very handy tool, but we tend to abuse it in order to get by. Therefore we need to reeducate our selves on how we access our information and the things we need to look for that make an online source reliable to use. If we do not change the way we look for information today, then allot of the things we may be sharing with one another may not even true or effective in a sense.
Man, I couldn't agree with you more. The internet was created as a tool for us to access information quickly; however, it has increased our laziness. Before the internet, people had to go to the library to look up information and a lot of the time they were unable to take a book home with them so they had to learn the information there. The internet is great for when we need to look up something really quick or don't have time to go to the library, but we've just blown its' usefulness out of proportion.